TitleAxis and Allies 1942 2nd. Ed.
Purchase / Wish List
Game CodeBGM24ND252203
Start DateSaturday August 03, 2024 - 11:00 am
End DateSaturday August 03, 2024 - 3:00 pm
Tickets Available0/8
Short DescriptionJoin us for a casual game of 1 or 2-player teams. Bid for sides. Errata by Larry Harris with set-up changes.
Long DescriptionThe Bidding System used will be an open bid for sides with no round limits. Victory Conditions: If your side controls 3 or more total Victory Cities than it started with (9 for the Axis & 10 for the Allies) at the end of a complete round of play (after the completion of the US turn) you win the war. If neither side has obtained the 3+ VCs within the time frame allotted, the side with the most VC (Victory Cities wins) since there are 13 VC; there cannot be a tie. So consider this when bidding.
Event TypeBGM - Board Game
Game SystemAxis & Allies
Rules Edition1942 2nd
Minimum Players2
Maximum Players8
Age RequiredTeen (13+)
Experience RequiredSome (You've played it a bit and understand the basics)
RoomHall C : SmoreySwamp
GM NamesGreg Smorey
Web Addressheadlesshorseman2.com
Email Contact[email protected]