TitleAquatica: Coral Reef
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Game CodeBGM24ND262311
Start DateFriday August 02, 2024 - 8:00 pm
End DateFriday August 02, 2024 - 10:00 pm
Tickets Available0/15
Short DescriptionJoin this engine-building strategy board game where players compete to become the most powerful Sea King.
Long DescriptionIn the game you will become one of the mighty ocean kings, struggling to bring glory to his realm. To win the game, you need to capture and buy locations, recruit new characters, and complete goals; each of these actions gives you victory points at the end of the game. To do so, you need to play cards from your hand (each with a unique set of actions) and combine them. Don't think it's simple! With a good strategy during your turn, you can take up to ten actions in a row. You will encounter plenty of mysterious ocean creatures and take them to your hand. With their help you will explore the unknown locations and raise found resources from the ocean depths to your kingdom. Mechanically this is represented with the help of three-layered player board and the unique mechanism of card-rising.
Event TypeBGM - Board Game
Game SystemAquatica
Rules Edition1st
Group/CompanyArcane Wonders
Minimum Players2
Maximum Players15
Age RequiredTeen (13+)
Experience RequiredNone (You've never played before - rules will be taught)
RoomHall D : Arcane Wonders
GM NamesVincent Salzillo
Web Addresswww.dexposure.com/envoy
Email Contact[email protected]