Title | Dicecream Sandwich presents: DnD Tiktok Live! Creators Fight a MindFlayer Planet! Purchase / Wish List |
Game Code | ENT24ND246410 |
Start Date | Thursday August 01, 2024 - 5:00 pm |
End Date | Thursday August 01, 2024 - 8:00 pm |
Cost | $6 |
Tickets Available | 0/70 |
Short Description | Join Dungeon Master @DicecreamSandwich feat @catieosaurus @nur-d @whipkack @thatgreygentleman @darthmarkeia as they bring their improv play style to the Gen Con stage for the 4th year in a row! |
Long Description | Join Dungeon Master @DicecreamSandwich with our returning cast of dnd creators feat @catieosaurus @nur-d @whipkack @thatgreygentleman @darthmarkeia as they bring their improv play style to the Gen Con stage for the 4th year in a row! Following the events of last year, come along with our crew of misfits, heroes, villains and BASKET! After having healed the mind of Vecna by showing him the true power of friendship, our players must now deal with their spelljammer ship hurdling through space heading straight into a Mind Flayer infested planet!! (did we mention the party caused the infestation?) Audience participation, prizes given through out the show plus all ticket sales goes directly to a Gen-Con charity! |
Event Type | ENT - Entertainment Events |
Game System | |
Rules Edition | |
Group/Company | Dicecream Sandwich |
Minimum Players | 20 |
Maximum Players | 70 |
Age Required | Mature (18+) |
Experience Required | None (You've never played before - rules will be taught) |
Location | ICC |
Room | 212 |
Table | |
GM Names | Kevin Parr |
Web Address | |
Email Contact | [email protected] |
Tournament | 0 |