TitleStarfinder 2E Playtest Live!
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Game CodeENT24ND254264
Start DateSaturday August 03, 2024 - 5:00 pm
End DateSaturday August 03, 2024 - 7:00 pm
Tickets Available35/400
Short DescriptionYour old pals from The Glass Cannon Network are firing up their Drift Engines to take the Starfinder Playtest out for a test drive in front of a live audience!
Long DescriptionEveryone knows that the big talk of Gen Con 2024 is the release of the Starfinder 2E Playtest. What better way to see how this derelict ship handles in real time than by watching the Glass Cannon Network play it live! With gamemaster Troy Lavallee at the helm along with a patchwork crew of ne'er-do-wells featuring Joe O’Brien, Skid Maher, Sydney Amanuel, Matthew Capodicasa and more, neither androids nor aliens will be safe from their hijinks. It’s Firefly meets Alien meets a RAGING TIRE FIRE when these nutjobs strap in and let the dice fly. And they’ll need all three actions if they hope to get through the mindbending horrors of both deep space and Troy!
Event TypeENT - Entertainment Events
Game System
Rules Edition
Group/CompanyThe Glass Cannon Network
Minimum Players200
Maximum Players400
Age RequiredTeen (13+)
Experience RequiredNone (You've never played before - rules will be taught)
RoomGrand Ballroom 7--8
GM NamesTroy Lavallee, Joe O'Brien, Skid Maher, Sydney Amanuel, Matthew Capodicasa, Kate Stamas, Paula Deming
Web Addresswww.glasscannonnetwork.com
Email Contact[email protected]