TitleEngine Kill! Titan Battles in the Age of Darkness
Purchase / Wish List
Game CodeNMN24ND251764
Start DateSunday August 04, 2024 - 2:00 pm
End DateSunday August 04, 2024 - 2:30 pm
Tickets Available4/10
Short DescriptionTake command of your Titan Legions and battle for dominance!
Long DescriptionHail, Honored Princeps. Take command of your (tiny) Titan Legions and battle for dominance over other (tiny) warlords! This is a mass battle game that will utilize Legions Imperialis rules, ensuring maximum chaos and destruction! Be prepared to play on an incredible and detailed (albeit very small scale) scenic table with incredible Titanic scale minis!
Event TypeNMN - Non-Historical Miniatures
Game SystemLegions Imperialis
Rules Edition1st
Group/CompanyGames Workshop
Minimum Players1
Maximum Players10
Age RequiredEveryone (6+)
Experience RequiredNone (You've never played before - rules will be taught)
RoomHall E : Games Workshop
GM NamesZach Rochner
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