TitleWhiskey Chance Run
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Game CodeRPG23ND241952
Start DateSaturday August 05, 2023 - 9:00 pm
End DateSunday August 06, 2023 - 1:00 am
Tickets Available0/8
Short DescriptionThis is the intro to the What the Futt series. Its a simple delivery job a la Firefly but nothing is ever that simple in Battlelords of the 23rd Century and you can expect thins to go FUBAR!
Long DescriptionNo matter were you com from, you decided to drop that 7to5 dead end job and do something nuts! Lord McChance has a simple job for you, get on the ship to deliver absolutely essential equipment to a new colony. It's a bit out of the way and should go easy! of course! this is a intro, no experience required both for the savage system and the Battlelords universe and its a completely new adventure (if its bad its all my fault!)
Event TypeRPG - Role Playing Game
Game SystemSavage Worlds
Rules EditionSavage Battlelords
Group/Company23rd Century Productions, LLC
Minimum Players3
Maximum Players8
Age RequiredTeen (13+)
Experience RequiredNone (You've never played before - rules will be taught)
GM NamesMario Moreau
Web Address
Email Contact[email protected]