Title | NASCRAG: Oxtail's Mythological Zoo (Qualifier) - Deluxe Purchase / Wish List |
Game Code | RPG24ND246088 |
Start Date | Friday August 02, 2024 - 7:00 pm |
End Date | Friday August 02, 2024 - 11:00 pm |
Cost | $20 |
Tickets Available | 12/14 |
Short Description | Some of your fondest childhood memories are of the hours you spent at Oxtail’s, but now the zoo is closing under mysterious circumstances and the creatures are in danger. Can you save the zoo in time? |
Long Description | The deluxe edition of our event comes with a limited edition 45th anniversary hard enamel pin and digital copies of all three events we are presenting at Gen Con this year. The proceeds will help us keep putting on our games both this year and in the future. Join us for our 45th year of fun, puzzle solving, and roleplaying. This is our 2-round tournament. Some of your fondest childhood memories are of the hours you spent at Oxtail’s Mythological Zoo. You walked the roads of the Heroes and learned of their feats that made them legend wait for it DARY. You also marveled at the amazing mythical creatures from days of old. But now the zoo is closing suddenly under mysterious circumstances and the creatures are in grave danger. You have until dawn to save the creatures from a gruesome fate. |
Event Type | RPG - Role Playing Game |
Game System | Dungeons & Dragons |
Rules Edition | 5th |
Group/Company | National Society of Crazed Gamers |
Minimum Players | 1 |
Maximum Players | 14 |
Age Required | Teen (13+) |
Experience Required | Some (You've played it a bit and understand the basics) |
Location | Stadium |
Room | Field : NASCRAG |
Table | HQ |
GM Names | Heather Ashcraft, Eris Beamer, Michael Carter, Chris Hicks, Brian Chase, Mike Collins, Randal Cox, Tyler DeVries, Lisa DeVries, Greg Haslam, Zander Kevin, Jeremy Long, Doug Moore, Buster Pishkur, Michael Watts, Stewart Whitcomb, Sammi Burch |
Web Address | www.nascrag.org |
Email Contact | [email protected] |
Tournament | 1 |