Title | Tower of Gygarn - KILL IT, KEEP IT (Death Tyrant Beholder - Nozlur's Marvelous Unpainted) Purchase / Wish List |
Game Code | RPG24ND252579 |
Start Date | Friday August 02, 2024 - 10:00 am |
End Date | Friday August 02, 2024 - 12:00 pm |
Cost | $10 |
Tickets Available | 1/21 |
Short Description | Reincarnate and power up your character in battle after battle until monster dies. Final blow keeps the miniature! Multiple Miniature Prizes available! |
Long Description | Join endless ranks of hero fodder (er...) adventurers! March to face the monster in its lair. No loss of life is too much for the Grieving Emperor who wants vengeance. Adventures fight and quickly die, to be reincarnated until the evil creature is slain. Improve your character each death in Roguelike fashion with permanent benefits. Play as multiple classes and work together or in competition to kill the creature and land the killing blow (which awards your own collectible as trophy of your victory! Endless player lives and someone WILL eventually walk away with this valuable figure. GM Decisions final. Number of Prizes scale with number of players: Exactly 7 Players (One Collectible miniature awarded). 8-14 Players (Two Collectible Miniature awarded). 15-21 Players (Three Collectible Miniature awarded). |
Event Type | RPG - Role Playing Game |
Game System | Dungeons & Dragons |
Rules Edition | 5th |
Group/Company | No Rails Adventure Team |
Minimum Players | 4 |
Maximum Players | 21 |
Age Required | Everyone (6+) |
Experience Required | None (You've never played before - rules will be taught) |
Location | Stadium |
Room | Field : No Rails Adventure Team |
Table | HQ |
GM Names | Matthew Steinborn |
Web Address | shop.wizkids.com/products/d-d-nolzurs-death-tyrant |
Email Contact | [email protected] |
Tournament | 0 |