TitleCrescent Parallax
Purchase / Wish List
Game CodeRPG24ND253163
Start DateThursday August 01, 2024 - 3:00 pm
End DateThursday August 01, 2024 - 7:00 pm
Tickets Available0/5
Short DescriptionThe bounty on Kenji Sanderson has reached an all time high and he’s been cornered in the penthouse of The Hotel Crescent. Time to cash in, Runners.
Long DescriptionA race-against-the-clock Manhunt in a single setting written by SequentialJames. The bounty on Kenji Sanderson has reached an all time high and he’s been cornered in the penthouse of The Hotel Crescent. His fate is in the hands of the runners. And all of them have a different reason to cash in on the Parallax Sanitation. You play as a team of RUNNERS — mercs, criminals, activists living on the edge & running in the shadows of a gritty, ultraviolent world. CBR+PNK features a minimalist version of the acclaimed Forged In The Dark system to encourage cinematic action and a spiraling series of consequences.
Event TypeRPG - Role Playing Game
Game SystemCBR+PNK
Rules EditionAugmented
Minimum Players2
Maximum Players5
Age RequiredTeen (13+)
Experience RequiredNone (You've never played before - rules will be taught)
RoomMeeting Room 11
GM NamesPj Zaiac, Caleb Tursky
Web Addresswww.myth.works
Email Contact[email protected]