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Game CodeRPG24ND254576
Start DateThursday August 01, 2024 - 10:00 am
End DateThursday August 01, 2024 - 2:00 pm
Tickets Available2/8
Short DescriptionA transport for hire with a science team has gone down in a contested zone of ruins. Become on of the members of Revenant Element, and race against the clock and the environment to extract everyone.
Long DescriptionRevenant 1, we are thirty seconds out from DZ 1.” Your heart thunders against the back of your skull, drowning out the thrusters of the Skylifter APC as it lumbers your team into position. Rounds are chambered, E-Clips send priming charges through capacitors, bringing pulse rifles to humming life. “All Revenant Elements, 15 seconds to DZ.” Years of training, cybernetic enhancement, and a series of questionable life choices have brought you to this moment, final checks of straps and armor are all you can do to calm the roar of nerves. Seals pop, sending a wave of pressure and scorching daylight across the interior of the duct-tape and spit-glued APC’s troop compartment, as the hatch drops over blast scarred buildings, now overgrown with vegetation. The hull of the hovering APC shudders as a barrage of railgun fire from unseen forces amongst the reclaimed rubble below. “Revenant Drop!”
Event TypeRPG - Role Playing Game
Game SystemRifts
Rules EditionUltimate
Group/CompanyPalladium Books
Minimum Players4
Maximum Players8
Age RequiredMature (18+)
Experience RequiredNone (You've never played before - rules will be taught)
GM Names
Web Address
Email Contactzachariah@gmailcom