TitleCosmic Retirement Home for the Superpowered
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Game CodeRPG24ND256544
Start DateSaturday August 03, 2024 - 10:00 am
End DateSaturday August 03, 2024 - 2:00 pm
Tickets Available0/6
Short DescriptionThe number one rule at the Cosmic Retirement Home for the Superpowered is: "You're retired now. No more adventures!" However, something awfully suspicious is going on.
Long DescriptionThe number one rule at the Cosmic Retirement Home for the Superpowered is: "You're retired now. No more adventures!" However, something awfully suspicious is going on with a new experimental medical treatment. Use your lifetime of experience to expose the truth without compromising your future in this luxurious retirement home. Staged Heroism is a comedic game of supers, legacies, and kind of screwing up a lot.
Event TypeRPG - Role Playing Game
Game SystemStaged heroism
Rules Edition1st
Group/CompanyNerdBurger Games
Minimum Players3
Maximum Players6
Age RequiredTeen (13+)
Experience RequiredNone (You've never played before - rules will be taught)
GM NamesSharene Gilchrist
Web Addresspreview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/388652/staged-heroism
Email Contact[email protected]