TitleReactors & War Zones: Fact v Fiction, Demagoguery
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Game CodeSEM23ND230230
Start DateThursday August 03, 2023 - 6:00 pm
End DateThursday August 03, 2023 - 7:00 pm
Tickets Available97/120
Short DescriptionRussians overrun Europe’s largest nuclear reactor site. Shells fall in sites' perimeters. Media sensationalize doom. The real risk, what's been done. Capt. Mark McDonagh, USN/ret., on NSDM staff.
Long DescriptionWith combat raging across Ukrainian nuclear reactor sites and sites changing hands between Ukraine and Russia, with shells, rockets and missiles landing inside the sites' perimeters, concerns of nuclear accidents spring to mind with memories of Three Mile Island, Fukushima and, ironically in the case of Ukraine, Chernobyl. Minimally-informed media personalities breathlessly proclaim gloom and doom. What are the facts, what is fiction, drama and demagoguery? Lecture examines the accident potential, discusses the recent war history, steps taken to reduce the threats, and disinformation campaigns. Presented by Capt. Mark McDonagh, USN/ret., a physicist and former nuclear submarine officer with 12 years' experience at the Naval War College, on the National Security Decision Making Game staff.
Event TypeSEM - Seminar
Game System
Rules Edition
Group/CompanyNational Security Decision Making Inc.
Minimum Players1
Maximum Players120
Age RequiredEveryone (6+)
Experience RequiredNone (You've never played before - rules will be taught)
LocationLe Meridien
GM NamesMark McDonagh, Merle Robinson, Jason Corner, Pat Jewett, Evan Siegling
Web Addresswww.facebook.com/NSDM-The-National-Security-Decision-Making-Game-187557132044
Email Contact[email protected]