TitleThe Petrodollar: What Happened, What Comes Next?
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Game CodeSEM24ND260245
Start DateThursday August 01, 2024 - 4:00 pm
End DateThursday August 01, 2024 - 5:00 pm
Tickets Available131/150
Short DescriptionWhat is the US Petrodollar, is it dead and, if so, what happened? What was there prior? What does this mean, and what comes next? By Louis Desy of the National Security Decision Making Game staff.
Long DescriptionThe US Petrodollar, what is it, why and how was it set up, and are we seeing the last of it? What was there prior to the Petrodollar introduction in the 1970s? What has happening to end the Petrodollar and what comes next? Hyperinflation, BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) currency or SDR (Special Drawing Rights)? Presented by Louis Desy, MBA, J.D., on the National Security Decision Making Game staff.
Event TypeSEM - Seminar
Game System
Rules Edition
Group/CompanyNational Security Decision Making (NSDM) Inc.
Minimum Players1
Maximum Players150
Age RequiredEveryone (6+)
Experience RequiredNone (You've never played before - rules will be taught)
LocationLe Meridien
GM NamesNSDM, Mark McDonagh, Craig Greathouse, Merle Robinson, Evan Siegling, Michael Tucker, Jason Corner, Marc Parker, Ryan Good, Ronald Homer, Shawn Kratzert, Pat Jewett
Web Addresswww.facebook.com/NSDM-The-National-Security-Decision-Making-Game-187557132044
Email Contact[email protected]