Andrew Adkins, Sean Pittman, Cincinnati Arsenal Gaming, Jason Brannen

Role Playing Game

Call of Cthulhu
The Cloaked Bandits
Wed 8:00 pm - Wed 11:00 pm 0/4 0.00
The Doom that Came to Knoxville
Fri 8:00 pm - Sat 1:00 am 4/6 12.00
Sun 9:00 am - Sun 2:00 pm 0/6 12.00
The Shadow Over Canisborough
Thu 9:00 am - Thu 2:00 pm 0/6 12.00
Fri 8:00 am - Fri 1:00 pm 1/6 12.00
The Temple of the Black Stone
Thu 7:00 pm - Fri 12:00 am 0/6 12.00
Fri 2:00 pm - Fri 7:00 pm 0/6 12.00