Louis Hoefer

Role Playing Game

Dungeon Crawl Classics
Frozen in Time
Fri 2:00 pm - Fri 6:00 pm 0/6 4.00
The Ratcatcher's Son
Thu 2:00 pm - Thu 6:00 pm 0/6 4.00
Mutant Crawl Classics
Offal Mongers of the Atrophic Hill
Fri 7:00 pm - Fri 11:00 pm 0/6 4.00
Sat 7:00 pm - Sat 11:00 pm 0/6 4.00
The Dare-Luck Club
The Dare-Luck Club in "Summer of the Nosferatu"
Sat 12:00 pm - Sat 4:00 pm 1/6 4.00
The Dare-Luck Club in: “The Grendalbach Gremlins”
Thu 9:00 am - Thu 12:30 pm 0/6 4.00