Paizo Org Play, Michael Perdomo

Role Playing Game

PFS (1e) #10-05: Mysteries Under Moonlight, Part 1: Testament of Souls
Sat 8:00 am - Sat 1:00 pm 0/6 10.00
PFS (1e) #10-07: Mysteries Under Moonlight, Part 2: The Howling Dance
Sat 2:00 pm - Sat 7:00 pm 0/6 10.00
PFS (1e) #10-15: Tapestry's Trial
Fri 8:00 am - Fri 1:00 pm 0/6 10.00
PFS (1e) #10-10: The Shattered Shield
Fri 2:00 pm - Fri 7:00 pm 3/6 10.00