Non-Historical Miniatures

Kings of War
Kings of War: How You Use It Tournament
Sat 4:00 pm - Sun 12:00 am 6/12 8.00
Kings of War: Learn To Play
Thu 8:00 am - Thu 10:00 am 0/8 2.00
Fri 8:00 am - Fri 10:00 am 0/8 2.00
Fri 8:00 pm - Fri 10:00 pm 0/8 2.00
Sat 8:00 am - Sat 10:00 am 0/8 2.00
Sun 8:00 am - Sun 10:00 am 0/8 2.00
Kings of War: The Big Game
Thu 9:00 am - Thu 2:00 pm 1/12 6.00
Fri 8:00 am - Fri 1:00 pm 0/12 6.00
Fri 2:00 pm - Fri 7:00 pm 9/12 6.00
Sat 9:00 am - Sat 2:00 pm 0/12 6.00