TitleKong Skull Island - A Fool's Errand
Purchase / Wish List
Game CodeRPG23ND232527
Start DateFriday August 04, 2023 - 1:00 pm
End DateFriday August 04, 2023 - 5:00 pm
Tickets Available0/6
Short DescriptionWhat could go wrong on a paid safari to an uncharted island? How about the plants and animals eating your fellow hunters! Players must fight to survive and escape from this unique and exotic place!
Long DescriptionYou've been promised a thrill-seeking weekend safari on an uncharted island with Janos Biotech offering a $50,000 cash prize for capturing exotic animals with high-tech tranquilizer rifles. However, the vacation quickly turns into a nightmare when the island's plants and animals start eating your fellow hunters! With the easy payday now turned into a fight for survival, the once-exotic locale becomes the deadliest battleground imaginable. See the sights, they said. Easy payday, they said. Maybe you should have just binge-watched the Discovery channel.
Event TypeRPG - Role Playing Game
Game SystemEveryday Heroes
Rules Edition1st
Group/CompanyEvil Genius Games
Minimum Players3
Maximum Players6
Age RequiredTeen (13+)
Experience RequiredNone (You've never played before - rules will be taught)
RoomWhite River Ballroom E
GM NamesDave Scott
Web Addressevilgeniusgaming.com/collections/cinematic-adventures/products/kong-skull-island-cinematic-adventure-digital-version-1
Email Contact[email protected]