TitleHighlander - Quickening of the Aegean
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Game CodeRPG23ND232623
Start DateSaturday August 05, 2023 - 8:00 am
End DateSaturday August 05, 2023 - 12:00 pm
Tickets Available0/6
Short DescriptionIt's Athens vs. Sparta as immortal warriors clash! In the roles of Athenian immortals, the players must survive this ancient conflict so they can settle old scores upon returning to modern-day Greece.
Long DescriptionIn the 5th century BCE, a group of immortals living peacefully in the Greek city-state of Athens are conscripted into a dangerous war with Sparta. After the first battle it becomes clear Sparta's famous military prowess is owed to their own collection of immortals. The Athenians must maintain their identities while leading their fellows to victory against the Spartan soldiers that live as demigods among mortals. After surviving the encounter, the Athenians lie low for over two-thousand years before meeting back in modern-day Greece to settle old debts.
Event TypeRPG - Role Playing Game
Game SystemEveryday Heroes
Rules Edition1st
Group/CompanyEvil Genius Games
Minimum Players3
Maximum Players6
Age RequiredTeen (13+)
Experience RequiredNone (You've never played before - rules will be taught)
RoomWhite River Ballroom E
GM NamesDave Scott
Web Addresswww.evilgeniusgames.com/highlander
Email Contact[email protected]