Gen Con Writers Symposium

Entertainment Events

D&D with Writers
Fri 7:00 pm - Fri 11:00 pm 60/86 6.00


Pop! A LARP by Alex Roberts from "Honey & Hot Wax: An Anthology of Erotic Art Games"
Fri 7:00 pm - Fri 9:00 pm 13/15 4.00


Adventure Branching: Writing Choices for Tabletop Games
Thu 11:00 am - Thu 12:00 pm 1/86 0.00
AfroFuturism in Game Design
Sun 10:00 am - Sun 11:00 am 24/86 0.00
Ageism in SFF: Broadening the Ages of Protagonists
Fri 10:00 am - Fri 11:00 am 53/86 0.00
Are We Going to Be Okay? Marginalized Writers in Today's World
Sat 4:00 pm - Sat 5:00 pm 63/86 0.00
Ask an AI Scientist
Fri 4:00 pm - Fri 5:00 pm 5/86 0.00
Ask the Agents
Thu 10:00 am - Thu 11:00 am 1/86 0.00
Ask the Editors
Fri 11:00 am - Fri 12:00 pm 9/86 0.00
Beyond the Hero's Journey: Story Structure in Writing
Sat 2:00 pm - Sat 3:00 pm 7/86 0.00
Breaking the Rules! Breaking the Rules!
Fri 2:00 pm - Fri 3:00 pm 52/86 0.00
Creating Better Fictional Languages
Fri 4:00 pm - Fri 5:00 pm 0/48 0.00
Dennis the Peasant: Class and Social Stratification in Speculative Fiction and Gaming
Thu 3:00 pm - Thu 4:00 pm 0/35 0.00
Embrace Your Weirdness (and Find Where it Intersects with Markets)
Fri 12:00 pm - Fri 1:00 pm 0/86 0.00
Exciting Possibilities of Trustworthy AI
Sun 11:00 am - Sun 12:00 pm 17/86 0.00
Fall in Love with your Writing. Yep, yours!
Sat 11:00 am - Sat 12:00 pm 0/86 0.00
Fanfic: Write it, Enjoy it, Learn from it
Thu 3:00 pm - Thu 4:00 pm 4/86 0.00
Fighting Writers talk about Writing Fight Scenes
Sat 2:00 pm - Sat 3:00 pm 0/86 0.00
Folkloric Fantasy: Working With Monsters
Sat 10:00 am - Sat 11:00 am 0/86 0.00
Food in Speculative Fiction
Sat 2:00 pm - Sat 3:00 pm 0/48 0.00
Games, Poetics, and Sensory Experiences
Sat 2:00 pm - Sat 3:00 pm 45/86 0.00
Get In the Fight: Activism in Genre Writing
Thu 2:00 pm - Thu 3:00 pm 37/86 0.00
Getting into Visual Writing: Comics, Cards, Graphic Novels, and Games
Fri 2:00 pm - Fri 3:00 pm 0/35 0.00
Getting into Writing BattleTech and Shadowrun Fiction
Thu 1:00 pm - Thu 2:00 pm 0/86 0.00
Hacking Your Habitat (So You Can Write!)
Sun 9:00 am - Sun 10:00 am 2/86 0.00
Here's How That Went: Writers Postmortem Their Own Processes
Thu 10:00 am - Thu 11:00 am 30/86 0.00
How to Become an Editor
Sat 11:00 am - Sat 12:00 pm 4/86 0.00
How to Unban Books
Sat 10:00 am - Sat 11:00 am 0/86 0.00
How to Write for the Ear
Sat 3:00 pm - Sat 4:00 pm 0/48 0.00
Industry Survival Guide: Layoffs, Dry Spells, and Flops
Thu 4:00 pm - Thu 5:00 pm 0/35 0.00
Interview with Special Guest Mikki Kendall
Sat 12:00 pm - Sat 1:00 pm 69/86 0.00
Invention! An Interview with Writers
Fri 1:00 pm - Fri 2:00 pm 43/86 0.00
Leave This Workshop with a Poem You Wrote
Thu 2:00 pm - Thu 3:00 pm 14/35 0.00
Liminal Identities in Speculative Fiction and Gaming
Fri 12:00 pm - Fri 1:00 pm 26/86 0.00
Make Your Own Monsters
Sun 11:00 am - Sun 12:00 pm 0/35 0.00
New Books! New Games! New Love! (Session A)
Thu 12:00 pm - Thu 1:00 pm 75/86 0.00
New Books! New Games! New Love! (Session B)
Thu 1:00 pm - Thu 2:00 pm 76/86 0.00
New Books! New Games! New Love! (Session C)
Thu 2:00 pm - Thu 3:00 pm 77/86 0.00
New Books! New Games! New Love! (Session D)
Thu 3:00 pm - Thu 4:00 pm 80/86 0.00
New Books! New Games! New Love! (Session E)
Fri 12:00 pm - Fri 1:00 pm 78/86 0.00
New Books! New Games! New Love! (Session F)
Fri 1:00 pm - Fri 2:00 pm 81/86 0.00
New Books! New Games! New Love! (Session G)
Fri 2:00 pm - Fri 3:00 pm 84/86 0.00
Non-Fiction For, not About Genre
Sat 3:00 pm - Sat 4:00 pm 66/86 0.00
POV Pandemonium: How Many POVs Does your Story Need?
Sat 3:00 pm - Sat 4:00 pm 59/86 0.00
Pulp Fiction for Contemporary Audiences
Fri 11:00 am - Fri 12:00 pm 6/48 0.00
Queer Characters of Nonbinary Flavor: The Battle of the Pronouns
Sun 9:00 am - Sun 10:00 am 0/86 0.00
Query Questions & Answers
Thu 12:00 pm - Thu 1:00 pm 20/48 0.00
Reading and Writing in a Neurodiverse Universe
Sun 10:00 am - Sun 11:00 am 0/86 0.00
Rediscovering the Magic in Magic
Thu 2:00 pm - Thu 3:00 pm 12/86 0.00
Relationships Between Writers and Editors
Sun 11:00 am - Sun 12:00 pm 5/48 0.00
Running a Successful Critique Group
Sat 10:00 am - Sat 11:00 am 1/35 0.00
Self-Editing: When, Why, and How
Thu 12:00 pm - Thu 1:00 pm 25/86 0.00
So Tell Me about this Anthology!
Thu 10:00 am - Thu 11:00 am 41/48 0.00
Squeak and Geek
Sat 5:00 pm - Sat 7:00 pm 35/48 0.00
Story Arcs and Character Development with your Sweet Murderhobos
Fri 3:00 pm - Fri 4:00 pm 0/86 0.00
Strategies to Avoid Infodumps
Sat 5:00 pm - Sat 6:00 pm 0/86 0.00
Sword & Sorcery for Contemporary Audiences
Fri 10:00 am - Fri 11:00 am 0/48 0.00
Talk and Poetry Reading with Special Guest Linda D. Addison
Sat 1:00 pm - Sat 2:00 pm 55/86 0.00
The Current State of AI and Publishing
Sat 4:00 pm - Sat 5:00 pm 0/86 0.00
The Current State of Genre Short Fiction Markets
Thu 11:00 am - Thu 12:00 pm 47/86 0.00
The Herbivore in the Room: No Vegans in the Future
Fri 3:00 pm - Fri 4:00 pm 63/86 0.00
The Indie Re-Revolution
Sat 2:00 pm - Sat 3:00 pm 50/86 0.00
The System As Villain: Explore Goodness Through Media
Fri 11:00 am - Fri 12:00 pm 22/86 0.00
The “Come One, Come All” Game Narrative Hootenanny
Fri 3:00 pm - Fri 4:00 pm 74/86 0.00
Welcome to the Queer Manga Book Club!
Sun 11:00 am - Sun 12:00 pm 42/86 0.00
Working with an Agent
Sat 1:00 pm - Sat 2:00 pm 23/86 0.00
Worldbuilding for TTRPG Systems
Fri 1:00 pm - Fri 2:00 pm 0/48 0.00
Write What You DON'T Know: Working Across Cultural Lines
Fri 4:00 pm - Fri 5:00 pm 0/86 0.00
Writer Doodles (When We Write for Ourselves)
Thu 11:00 am - Thu 12:00 pm 6/48 0.00
Writers Symposium Closing Ceremonies
Sun 12:00 pm - Sun 1:00 pm 17/86 0.00
Writers Symposium Opening Ceremonies
Thu 9:00 am - Thu 10:00 am 0/86 0.00
Writing for Art: Graphic Novels and Comics
Fri 7:00 pm - Fri 8:00 pm 23/86 0.00
Writing for Children and Young People
Thu 1:00 pm - Thu 2:00 pm 26/86 0.00
Writing Geeky Non-Fiction
Fri 2:00 pm - Fri 3:00 pm 59/86 0.00
Writing Genre Poetry
Thu 4:00 pm - Thu 5:00 pm 51/86 0.00
Writing Series: Pros, Cons, and Keeping Track
Sat 12:00 pm - Sat 1:00 pm 1/35 0.00
Writing the Beautiful Nasty
Sat 3:00 pm - Sat 4:00 pm 3/86 0.00
Writing Tie-In Fiction
Sat 12:00 pm - Sat 1:00 pm 70/86 0.00
Writing Video Game Romances
Sat 11:00 am - Sat 12:00 pm 16/35 0.00
Writing with Emotional Interiority
Fri 10:00 am - Fri 11:00 am 0/86 0.00
Writing with Kindness
Sun 11:00 am - Sun 12:00 pm 53/86 0.00
Yar! A Panel of Pirates!
Sat 4:00 pm - Sat 5:00 pm 39/86 0.00


10 Super-Charged Writing Secrets
Fri 10:00 am - Fri 12:00 pm 47/86 12.00
A Short Story Writer's Primer
Thu 12:00 pm - Thu 2:00 pm 62/86 10.00
Adapting Stories to Games for Authors
Sun 9:00 am - Sun 11:00 am 40/48 10.00
An Infernal Salon: Workshop and Literary Salon
Sat 12:00 pm - Sat 2:00 pm 60/86 2.00
Bardic Inspiration: Writing Speculative Poetry
Fri 2:00 pm - Fri 3:00 pm 36/48 26.00
Beat Writer's Block
Sat 10:00 am - Sat 11:00 am 33/86 10.00
Breaking out of Revision Hell: Revising and Editing
Fri 3:00 pm - Fri 5:00 pm 20/35 16.00
Building a Career in Words
Thu 12:00 pm - Thu 1:00 pm 35/86 10.00
Building Your Novel Writing Tool Kit
Thu 10:00 am - Thu 12:00 pm 0/86 10.00
Coming up with Comp Titles
Thu 4:00 pm - Thu 5:00 pm 42/48 10.00
Don't Answer That Question: Writing Dialog With Momentum
Fri 8:00 pm - Fri 10:00 pm 54/86 10.00
Emotional Self Care for Writers
Sat 6:00 pm - Sat 7:00 pm 71/86 10.00
First Chapter Milestones
Fri 1:00 pm - Fri 2:00 pm 34/86 10.00
Gamemastering for the Writer, Writing for the Gamemaster
Thu 2:00 pm - Thu 3:00 pm 36/86 10.00
Getting Beyond Movie Flats: Societies and Worldbuilding
Sat 10:00 am - Sat 12:00 pm 33/86 4.00
How to Pitch
Sun 9:00 am - Sun 10:00 am 66/86 24.00
How To Write Good Narrative Choices In Games
Thu 3:00 pm - Thu 4:00 pm 39/86 12.00
Indie Publishing In a Modern Marketplace
Sat 10:00 am - Sat 12:00 pm 14/48 10.00
Introverts Unite! Building Community to Survive your Writing Journey
Sat 11:00 am - Sat 12:00 pm 66/86 16.00
Mastering Fiction: Brainstorming Your Way to a Breakout Novel
Thu 4:00 pm - Thu 5:00 pm 49/86 16.00
Mastering Fiction: Character Creation
Fri 3:00 pm - Fri 4:00 pm 18/86 16.00
Mastering Fiction: Connective Tissue For Stories that Resonate
Sat 12:00 pm - Sat 1:00 pm 51/86 16.00
Mastering Fiction: Plotting Techniques of the Professional Writer
Fri 4:00 pm - Fri 5:00 pm 15/86 16.00
Mastering Fiction: Tension on Every Page
Fri 7:00 pm - Fri 8:00 pm 63/86 16.00
Mastering Fiction: The Patterns That Lead to Compelling Stories and How to Use Them
Sat 1:00 pm - Sat 2:00 pm 46/86 16.00
Mastering Fiction: The Structure of Scenes
Fri 6:00 pm - Fri 7:00 pm 57/86 16.00
Mastering Fiction: Worldbuilding
Thu 5:00 pm - Thu 6:00 pm 8/86 16.00
Messy Characters and Breadcrumb Trails: Engaging Audiences with Revelations
Sat 5:00 pm - Sat 7:00 pm 46/86 20.00
Micro Fiction Party
Sat 4:00 pm - Sat 5:00 pm 24/48 10.00
Monstrous Lovers: Writing Dark Romance
Fri 8:00 pm - Fri 10:00 pm 48/86 20.00
Networking for the Author
Sat 3:00 pm - Sat 4:00 pm 70/86 10.00
Portfolio Review: Tabletop
Thu 12:00 pm - Thu 2:00 pm 2/8 20.00
Portfolio Review: Videogame
Fri 12:00 pm - Fri 2:00 pm 6/8 20.00
Project Management for Creatives
Fri 2:00 pm - Fri 3:00 pm 19/86 12.00
Punch Up Your Prose: How to Craft Knockout Syntax
Fri 10:00 am - Fri 12:00 pm 61/86 12.00
Read and Critique: Session A
Thu 10:00 am - Thu 12:00 pm 0/8 20.00
Read and Critique: Session B
Fri 10:00 am - Fri 12:00 pm 0/8 20.00
Read and Critique: Session C
Sun 9:00 am - Sun 11:00 am 0/8 20.00
Romanian folklore: how to Write in Threes
Fri 12:00 pm - Fri 2:00 pm 44/86 12.00
Seven Steps to Better Self Editing
Sat 1:00 pm - Sat 2:00 pm 1/48 10.00
Sharpen Your Story
Sat 4:00 pm - Sat 5:00 pm 48/86 10.00
So You Need To Write A Sex Scene
Fri 5:00 pm - Fri 6:00 pm 1/86 16.00
Start Close to the End: Writing Short Genre Fiction
Sat 5:00 pm - Sat 7:00 pm 69/86 16.00
Stick the Landing: How to Nail Your Novel's End
Fri 4:00 pm - Fri 5:00 pm 55/86 10.00
Story Fundamentals; How to Write Short Stories
Fri 5:00 pm - Fri 9:00 pm 74/86 34.00
Story Games for Glittering Souls
Thu 3:00 pm - Thu 4:00 pm 38/48 10.00
Surviving Crowdfunding with Yourself and Your Creativity Intact
Fri 12:00 pm - Fri 1:00 pm 37/48 16.00
Systems of Magic; How to Use Your Magic to Enrich Your Worldbuilding
Sun 9:00 am - Sun 11:00 am 23/86 16.00
The Art of the Pitch
Fri 5:00 pm - Fri 7:00 pm 20/48 14.00
The Caregiver’s Guide to Reclaiming Your Creative Spark
Sun 11:00 am - Sun 12:00 pm 60/86 16.00
The Great Character Deep Dive
Thu 3:00 pm - Thu 5:00 pm 54/86 20.00
Twenty Types of Terror: Exploring Horror Subgenres in Fiction and Games
Thu 10:00 am - Thu 12:00 pm 35/86 16.00
Using Tarot as a Storytelling Tool
Thu 4:00 pm - Thu 6:00 pm 3/86 10.00
Watching Movies To Make You A Better Writer
Sun 10:00 am - Sun 11:00 am 72/86 10.00
Writing Great Dialogue
Fri 5:00 pm - Fri 7:00 pm 39/86 10.00
Writing Rules That Matter! (Board/Card Game Edition)
Thu 1:00 pm - Thu 3:00 pm 13/48 10.00
Writing Rules That Matter! (TTRPG Edition)
Sat 2:00 pm - Sat 4:00 pm 63/86 10.00

Isle of Misfit Events

Book Signing and Meet and Greet: Bradley P. Beaulieu
Thu 11:00 am - Thu 12:00 pm 97/100 0.00
Book Signing and Meet and Greet: C. S. E. Cooney and Marie Bilodeau
Fri 3:00 pm - Fri 4:00 pm 99/100 0.00
Book Signing and Meet and Greet: Cat Rambo and Jeremy Bernstein
Thu 4:00 pm - Thu 5:00 pm 97/100 0.00
Book Signing and Meet and Greet: Daniel 'Doc' Myers and J. B. Garner
Fri 12:00 pm - Fri 1:00 pm 99/100 0.00
Book Signing and Meet and Greet: Dedren Snead and Daniel 'Doc' Myers
Sat 12:00 pm - Sat 1:00 pm 100/100 0.00
Book Signing and Meet and Greet: Dedren Snead and Sarah Hans
Fri 4:00 pm - Fri 5:00 pm 100/100 0.00
Book Signing and Meet and Greet: Ed Greenwood and Gregory A. Wilson
Sat 10:00 am - Sat 11:00 am 0/100 0.00
Book Signing and Meet and Greet: Erin M. Evans and E.D.E. Bell
Thu 1:00 pm - Thu 2:00 pm 87/100 0.00
Book Signing and Meet and Greet: Erin M. Evans and Elisa Teague
Fri 11:00 am - Fri 12:00 pm 91/100 0.00
Book Signing and Meet and Greet: Gregory A. Wilson and E.D.E. Bell
Fri 10:00 am - Fri 11:00 am 99/100 0.00
Book Signing and Meet and Greet: Howard Andrew Jones and Ben Riggs
Sat 4:00 pm - Sat 5:00 pm 92/100 0.00
Book Signing and Meet and Greet: J.D. Blackrose and Gini Koch
Thu 3:00 pm - Thu 4:00 pm 100/100 0.00
Book Signing and Meet and Greet: Jeremy Bernstein and Matt Forbeck
Sat 11:00 am - Sat 12:00 pm 93/100 0.00
Book Signing and Meet and Greet: Jesse J. Holland and Cat Rambo
Sat 1:00 pm - Sat 2:00 pm 100/100 0.00
Book Signing and Meet and Greet: Jordan Kurella and Annye Driscoll (Maker Fishmeal)
Thu 2:00 pm - Thu 3:00 pm 95/100 0.00
Book Signing and Meet and Greet: Khaldoun Khelil
Fri 2:00 pm - Fri 3:00 pm 97/100 0.00
Book Signing and Meet and Greet: Michael R. Underwood and Anthony W. Eichenlaub
Thu 10:00 am - Thu 11:00 am 98/100 0.00
Book Signing and Meet and Greet: Monica Valentinelli and Gini Koch
Fri 1:00 pm - Fri 2:00 pm 100/100 0.00
Book Signing and Meet and Greet: Richard Dansky and Bryan Young
Sat 3:00 pm - Sat 4:00 pm 98/100 0.00
Book Signing and Meet and Greet: Sheree Renée Thomas and Danian Darrell Jerry
Sat 2:00 pm - Sat 3:00 pm 97/100 0.00
Book Signing and Meet and Greet: Special Guest Mikki Kendall
Sun 11:00 am - Sun 12:00 pm 90/100 0.00
Book Signing and Meet and Greet: Storm Humbert and Gary Kloster
Thu 12:00 pm - Thu 1:00 pm 100/100 0.00
Meet the Writers
Thu 6:00 pm - Thu 9:00 pm 46/100 0.00
Pitch to Gabrielle Harbowy
Sat 4:00 pm - Sat 5:00 pm 0/10 0.00
Pitch to Morgan Wilson
Fri 3:00 pm - Fri 4:00 pm 0/5 0.00
Speculative Poetry Open Mic!
Sat 5:00 pm - Sat 7:00 pm 51/86 0.00
Tea with Mikki
Fri 5:00 pm - Fri 6:00 pm 3/10 0.00
Write Club!
Thu 5:00 pm - Thu 7:00 pm 43/86 4.00